About Us
Sarah Hershey (shershey@scottsvalleyusd.org) - last names A-K (grades 10-12)
Grace Wahl (gwahl@scottsvalleyusd.org) - last names L-Z (grades 10-12)
Mike Leimbach (mleimbach@scottsvalleyusd.org)
As your student navigates through their high school career and the major developmental changes associated with adolescence, they may experience some challenges that require support. The SVHS Counseling Department is here to help. School counselors support students in their academic and social/emotional development. Our goal is to guide all students through these milestones in a healthy and positive way. We are advocates with a shared philosophy of providing equal access and opportunity to all of our students in a safe and rich learning environment at SVHS.
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Academic Intervention: Plan SST and 504 meetings. Oversee school programs for students at-risk.
Academic Planning: 4 Year Plan, Scheduling, and Student/Parent Presentations
College and Career Readiness: Naviance and college planning guidance and support
Social/Emotional: Promote social competence, decision making, problem solving and conflict resolution. Assess and refer to appropriate intervention programs to support student’s social/emotional or behavioral needs.
A place where students are seen and feel comfortable to grow. Learn more
Open 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday - Friday
(Opening date- coming soon!)
Use this form to report bullying, harassment, discrimination, violence, vandalism or other safety reports on campus. This report will be read by the SVHS administration.
To request support for a student that is struggling with mental health, physical health, basic needs (housing/food) or academic issues, please use this form.
Social & Emotional Support and Resources
Please contact administration or school counselors for information or referrals.
2024-25 Course Registration: Slideshows, offerings, sheets (closed for 2024-25)
Student Handbook
Seniors: College Presentation - Seniors 2025
12th Grade Parent Presentation-
College Presentation - Seniors 2025
Amy Shiovitz (ashiovitz@scottsvalleyusd.org)
College & Career Center Advisor Community Service Coordinator
M-F 9:30am - 2:30pm
Amy Paul, Registrar-Transcripts
Monday-Friday, 8 am – 2 pm
John Postovit, IB Coordinator
IB Scheduling, IB Questions:
Class of 2024 Google Classroom
Student Access Code: 2ctlrgn
The Class of 2024 Google classroom has all of your important documents, slide presentations, and resources that you will need to successfully work through the college application process.
SVHS Counseling Department, College Presentations and Workshops for the Class of 2024