Community Service

Community Service is a graduation requirement for all SVHS students.

The minimum commitment is 40 hours over four years for an average of 10 hours per year. Students who have not been at SVHS for the full four years need only to complete community service hours for the years they have attended SVHS. Community Service hours must be completed by May 1st of the Senior year.

Service projects and activities are often a transforming element for the individual student as they have the potential to nurture and mold the global citizen. Service involves interaction such as the building of links with individuals or groups in the community. The community may be the school, the local district, or it may exist on national and international levels, such as undertaking projects of assistance in a developing country. Service activities should not only involve doing things for others but also doing things with others and developing a real commitment to them. The relationship should, therefore, show respect for the dignity and self-respect of others.

Community Service hours must be documented by completing the Community Service Agreement and Reflection Form (on the back). The Agreement must be signed by the supervisor of the activity, and the Agreement and Reflection Form must be on file in the Office of the Registrar. 

Note:  Some service programs require training prior to being able to enter into service.  Training hours will not be applied to the Community Service graduation requirement.

Current Community Service Opportunities

Sages & Seekers is a fantastic organization that pairs up Sages (60+) to Seekers (15-24). The process fosters open communication and creates forums in which to discover commonalities between genders. This is not a mentorship program, but a way to help combat ageism. Once a week, for 8 weeks, and for 1 hour per week, you will zoom from your home to your Sage, wherever they may live. You will earn 15 hours of community service for this opportunity. Several of our students have participated in this program and found it so rewarding that they continue on for several sessions. The Fall program is 9/30 - 11/21. To learn more and to sign up, click here

Pug-O-Ween Festival, the SUPER favorite community service opportunity will be at Roaring Camp once again! Tiny Paws Pug Rescue needs volunteers to help set-up, run booth games, help event staff serve lunch, collect tokens, pass out prizes and clean-up. All volunteers will receive a free lunch but the biggest perk of all is you get to play and see the cute frenchies and pugs in their Halloween costumes all day! Please wear closed toed shoes and comfortable clothing. Sat 10/5 from 9am - 4pm To sign up or for more information, see Amy Paul in the office

Autism Family Network is in need certified belayers for their indoor rock climbing program at Pacific Edge. You have time to become certified! Rock Climbing events take place the 3rd Sunday of each month through April, 5:30 - 7:30. For more information and to sign up, click here

Birch Bark Foundation is committed to protecting the human-animal bond through assistance to vulnerable families facing unaffordable medical expenses to save the life of a pet. Volunteers are needed in multiple ways. Click here for more information on the organization. Click here to sign-up

YouthServe is an organization that is involved in several community services opportunities. This site will keep you up to date with what is currently available. Right now they have a graffiti clean-up and beach clean-up. In the spring they will also need help painting a mural in Santa Cruz County. To learn more and sign-up, see here, Project List

Santa Cruz Public Libraries has a substantial list of community service opportunities. Currently, they have needs listed for the Arboretum at UCSC, American Cancer Society, Big Brothers & Big Sisters and Bike Smart - youth bicycle safety program and more! Check it out here

Vine Hill Life Lab needs help with their garden. Your tasks would include tidying, sprucing, weeding, laying down mulch, and various other jobs. You can schedule this around your availability. Contact Amy Paul to sign-up

♦ YMCA Camp Campbell is looking for responsible high schoolers to volunteer to be a cabin leader while developing their leadership skills, earning community service hours, and helping create a memorable educational experience for 5th and 6th graders. Volunteers commit to Monday through Thursday. See Amy Paul Paul for weeks. To sign up or to get more information, contact Manager of Volunteer Services at 

♦ Santa Cruz Public Library system needs help at their Felton branch. You would be part of the North County Advisory Council for Teens (ACT). Your duties would include advise and assist the library staff, implement teen services & programming. You would also assist with library programs and events. They met every 3rd Saturday from 2-4pm at the Felton Library 6121 Gushee St. For more information contact Jacqueline at 831-427-7700 or

♦ Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz are looking for students to help with their ongoing projects. MBOSC are offering regular weekday drop-in trailwork hours typically Tuesday through Friday and you can attend for as little or as long as you'd like. Please just RSVP so they know how many volunteers to expect. MBOSC provides all tools and equipment along with guidance from staff. For more information visit or contact Emma at

Volunteer Match of Santa Cruz County has a variety of opportunities continually available. They have something for everyone right now with needs from the Maui fires, animals, food distribution and the environment. Volunteer Match

Volunteer Center - Connect for Good has many opportunities in the Santa Cruz County. To name a few, they have: food distribution, walk to end Alzheimer's, gift bag decoration for Adopt a Family, and being a literacy tutor. Santa Cruz Volunteer Center

SVHS Campus Beautification Seeking help for litter pick-up, light weeding. pruning, etc Contact Amy Paul in the College and Career Center

 Dominican Hospital Gift shop, nursing units and general office work. Must be at least 16 yrs old and commit to minimum 100 hours. This requirement will be considered a long-term project so you will be able to get school credit for the entire 100 hours. To learn more, click here

Contact 831-465-7694

♦ Animal Service Authority Dog walking, kennel cleaning, playing with small caged animals, office support.

Contact 454-7200

Beach Flats Food Pantry Work with Valley Vineyard Church to bag groceries for distribution in the Beach Flats Community

Contact 438-3456

Save Our Shores Beach clean-up

Contact 462-5660

♦ Second Harvest Food Bank Help organize organize and hand out supplies

Contact 706-6113

♦ Brook Knoll Elementary School Various school projects, volunteering in classrooms as teacher aids, etc. Project specific, not to exceed 15 hours

Contact Josh Wahl, Principal 423-2454

 Vine Hill Elementary School Various school projects, volunteering in classrooms as teacher aids, etc. Project specific, not to exceed 15 hours

Contact Tracey Neilsen, Principal 438-4087

♦ Scotts Valley Middle School Various school projects, volunteering in classrooms as teacher aids, etc. Project specific, not to exceed 15 hours

Contact Joe Allen, Principal 438-0610


►  You can check your Community Service hours in Synergy at the bottom of Course History.

► Pre-approved service opportunities may be found on the link to the right.

►  Community Service opportunities are posted in SVHS College & Career Center.

►  See YouthServe for community service opportunities in our county.

►  The annual SVHS Community Service Fair is held on campus every September.

►  New postings may be found on this website.


Community Service Coordinator
Amy Shiovitz


To read more on Community Service Policy



Students can earn up to 15 hours of community service through Career Exploration. They can choose to explore through career interviews, site visits/tours, job shadows, and internships.

Career Exploration Program