About Us
Please ensure that all excused absence have been reported to the school within 72 hours so that non-attendance will not result in a “cut” for your student.
Attendance Secretary: Kelly Cox
Direct Line: 439-9555 ext. 1 (school hours)
Automated 24/7 Attendance System
Call: (831)439-9526 (message only)
SVHS implemented a new attendance notification system. We hope this new system will create more accessible and responsive communication around supporting your student’s positive attendance. When your student accrues an unverified/unexcused absence both parents/guardians will be notified in three ways:
Automated phone call
Text message
Email message
These messages are sent out daily and automatically at 10:30am and 4:30pm so families are notified of an absence in a timely manner. Parents/Guardians will have the ability to respond to these messages, which includes clearing/excusing a student absence. Any unverified/unexcused absences are considered a “cut” and could result in an attendance meeting with administration and/or disciplinary action. Attendance is crucial to a student’s academic success and social development. We hope that we can partner with you to find solutions around your student’s attendance. Please reach out to Christie Danner (SVHS Assistant Principal) if you have any questions or would like school based support with helping your student improve their attendance.
Questions: Christie Danner, SVHS Assistant Principal, 831-439-9555 x102
If your student has an excused tardy, i.e., illness, or medical appointment, please send them to school with a note, advising us of the situation.
Students must sign-in when they arrive and receive a “re-admit slip” to present to their teacher.
Please be aware that according to the State of California, the only situations which are excused include: illness, medical, dental, and court appointments.
1. Unexcused tardies will be noted.
2. A teacher may refer a student to the office for consequences.
3. Repeated referrals will result in further consequences and a letter will be sent home.
4. SARB (School Attendance Review Board) Process begins for students with excessive absences.
The office does not deliver messages to students unless it is an absolute emergency.
If your student forgot their lunch or homework you may bring it to school and leave it in the office. When the lunch bell rings we will page your student to come to the office. This is for homework or lunches only ~ NOT personal messages.
Call SVHS and report all illnesses right away:
(831) 439-9555 x1 / (831) 439-9526
If you leave a voicemail be sure to include:
Students full name
All Symptoms
Date of onset of illness
Call back number
We may not be able to answer our telephones or we may be unreachable during a crisis such as a lockdown situation.
Please visit the Scotts Valley Unified School District or contact them at 831-438-1820.
Additional news may be heard by tuning to radio station KSCO am 1080 or via local television news stations.
Resources and information may also be found on the Santa Cruz County Office of Education's website.