Interdistrict Transfers Information

SVUSD begins accepting IDTs for NEW students as early as February 1 each year. To begin this process, parents/guardians must first start in the district where their student resides. The IDT Request Form should be given to the student’s home district who will forward the approved applications to Scotts Valley Unified School District. (Applications received from home districts prior to February 1st will be held at the District Office, and marked as received February 1.)
When SVUSD receives an IDT request, the following is taken into consideration:
Available space in requested grade level/program. (See notes regarding capacity.)
Student’s attendance, behavior, and academic performance records from the previous school, if applicable.
For parents/guardians seeking attendance in TK-5, registration continues throughout the summer, so acceptance to a grade level does not necessarily guarantee acceptance at a particular school.
Parents/guardians will be notified as to the status of their transfer application by email or mail. (See Timelines for Interdistrict Transfer Requests.)
Capacity limits are intended to allow space for new resident growth. These capacity limits are intended to allow space for district residents who enroll during the summer, or who enroll in the program(s) during the school year. Capacity limits here are set for interdistrict transfer purposes only.
Capacity is based on the actual enrollment figures of current residents and continuing students for the requested transfer year, or the anticipated enrollment figures available as of February 1 (or the date of the application, whichever is later).
For all student programs, capacity shall be reached when the relevant grade level or the school's enrollment reaches ninety-two percent (92%) of the total capacity.
Resource Specialist Program (RSP)/Specialized
Academic Instruction/Mild to Moderate Needs will be considered at capacity either when the case carrier's caseload reaches a student to case carrier ratio of 22:1, or the requested grade is at capacity at the requested school.
A Special Day Class (SDC) Program/Specialized Academic Instruction/Moderate to Intensive Needs, will be considered at capacity either when enrollment in the program at the requested grade reaches a student to teacher ratio of 8:1, or the requested grade is at capacity at the requested school.
As the district establishes new or different classes or programs for which a capacity limit is not included herein, it may establish appropriate capacity for any such class or program.
Upon reaching capacity in a particular grade or program, the student’s parent/guardian will receive a notice of decision denying the application and advising that the student's name may be placed on a waiting list.
If the number of pending applications exceeds capacity in a grade or program, the order of consideration will be as follows:
Students who have been the victim of bullying in accordance with Education Code section 48900(r).
Students who have been enrolled in the district in the school year immediately preceding the requested year of transfer.
Students who have one or more siblings currently enrolled in the district.
Students who have one or more parents employed by the district.
After applying the priorities set forth above, in the event of a tie, a lottery will be held to determine the relative priority of the applications.
Definition: Transfer from resident school to another school within Scotts Valley Unified School District. In Scotts Valley, this applies only to elementary schools.
Students currently attending school on an approved intradistrict transfer permit are not required to resubmit a new application each year when continuing at the same school. However, a new application must be submitted when a student incurs an address change that establishes new residency outside the boundaries of their attendance area.
Please complete the Intradistrict Transfer Request form and submit your request to
Intradistrict Transfer Request Form
Request for 25-26 Intradistrict Transfer is DUE,
Definition: Transfer from your district of residence to a school within Scotts Valley Unified School District (and vice versa). Complete the appropriate form below and submit to your district of residence. This form is required to be completed annually.
Request for Interdistrict Attendance Permit (Interdistrict Transfer) - English
Request for Interdistrict Attendance Permit (Interdistrict Transfer) - Espanol
You may also pick up an Application at the Scotts Valley Unified School District (SVUSD) Office located at 108 Whispering Pines Drive, Suite 115, Scotts Valley, CA 95066. If you have multiple students requesting to attend SVUSD, please remember to complete an application for each student and each school.
Turn in the completed application to your district of residence. Once the application is approved by your district of residence, the application will be sent to our district for approval. Listed below are addresses and phone numbers of several local school districts:
Bonny Doon Union Elem: 1492 Pine Flat, Santa Cruz, 95060; 831-427-2300 (Attn: Mari Hubbs)
Happy Valley Elementary: 3125 Branciforte Drive, Santa Cruz, 95065; 831-429-1456 (Attn: Donna Walker)
Live Oak School District: 984-1 Bostwick Lane, Santa Cruz, 95062; 831-475-6333 (Attn:
Mountain Elementary: 3042 Old San Jose Rd., Soquel, 95073; 831-475-6812 (Attn: Rachel Matthews)
Pacific Elementary: 50 Ocean St Davenport, CA 95017; 831-425-7002 (Attn: Chyna Darby)
Pajaro Valley Unified: 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville, 95076; 831-786-2100x2835 (Attn:
San Lorenzo Valley Unified Schools: 325 Marion Ave, Ben Lomond, CA 95005; 831-336-8852 (Attn: Julie Walker)
Santa Cruz City Schools: 133 Mission Street Suite 100 Santa Cruz, CA 95060; 831-429-3410 x48215 (Attn: Maria Luna)
Soquel Union Elem. School District: 620 Monterey Ave, Capitola, 95010; 831-464-5639; (Attn: Jennifer Del Carlo)
Parents/guardians must file an IDT Request form every year. In order for a student to be considered for enrollment in the upcoming school year, interdistrict transfers must be received from the student’s home district by the last Friday in January. Please note: IDT requests received after the last Friday in January will be considered along with all “new” requests.
Students will not be enrolled at a requested school until:
Interdistrict Agreements are approved by both districts;
It is determined that space is available in the requested grade and/or school;
The district has verified various criteria, including previous behavior, attendance, and grades.
Parents/guardians will be notified of approved transfers by email or mail.
Parents/guardians complete the IDT Request Form. If you are not able to downloaded the form from this website, you may also pick one up in person at the SVUSD Office.
Return your completed form to the SVUSD Office by email (preferred), mail (108 Whispering Pines Drive, Suite 115, Scotts Valley, CA 95066, Attn: IDT), or dropping off in person at the SVUSD Office.
SVUSD will review the transfer request and, if approved, send it to the requested district for review.
For an interdistrict transfer request received by the district 15 or fewer calendar days before the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the district will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision within 30 calendar days from the date the request was received.
For an interdistrict transfer request received by the district more than 15 days before the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the interdistrict transfer is sought, the district will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the commencement of instruction for the school year for which transfer is sought.
* The timeline for completing this process varies depending on the grade level and reason for the IDT. In some cases, a final decision for approval may not be make until late summer and possibly after school begins.
An interdistrict attendance permit may be denied or revoked by the Superintendent or designee for any of the following reasons:
Capacity limits have been reached at a particular grade level, school or program.
The attendance of the student would
increase the district's class size above the maximums established by the state of California or above the maximums set in a negotiated teacher contract and place the district at risk of violating such standards;
interfere with the appropriate scheduling of the student or other students, in the case of middle or high schools.
The district does not have an appropriate educational program to meet the student's needs.
Unsatisfactory academic performance.
Unsatisfactory attendance.
Unsatisfactory behavior.
Providing incomplete, false or misleading information on the application.
Repeated disruptive or otherwise unsatisfactory conduct in violation of Education Code sections 48900 et seq.
Suspension from the district as authorized by Education Code sections 48900 et seq.
Recommendation for expulsion or expulsion from the district as authorized by Education Code sections 48900 et seq.
The welfare of the student and/or of students is compromised or endangered. This may include, but is not limited to, lack of before school or afterschool care.
Any other lawful, non-arbitrary basis for the district to conclude it would be in the best interest of the student, the student’s school, or the district for the interdistrict attendance permit to be revoked.
If an IDT Application is denied by the Superintendent or designee, the parents/guardians of the student may appeal to the County Board of Education within 30 days. Students who are under consideration for expulsion or who have been expelled may not appeal interdistrict attendance denials or decisions while expulsion proceedings are pending, or during the term of the expulsion. (Education Code 46601)